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In the heart of XMACHINA, the spirit of our founder, Thilo Kuther, lives on.


Thilo left an indelible mark on us all. His absence is felt deeply every day, in the quiet moments that used to be filled with his vibrant energy and in the bustling creativity of our studio where his spirit still lingers. Thilo wasn't just our founder; he was our mentor, our creative beacon, and above all, our dear friend.

His laughter, brimming with genuine warmth made the challenges of our work feel lighter. The conversations we shared with him were not just about designs or projects; they were about dreams, about pushing the limits of what we believed was possible. He had a remarkable way of making each of us feel seen, valued, and inspired.

We miss the spontaneous brainstorming sessions, where Thilo's eyes would light up with a new idea, his hands gesturing vividly as he described visions that only he could see. His passion for design and storytelling wasn’t just contagious; it was a driving force that propelled us to strive for excellence.

Losing Thilo has left an irreplaceable void in our lives. Yet, as we move forward with XMACHINA, we see his influence in every aspect of our work. His pioneering spirit drives us to explore new frontiers in digital and physical realms. His belief in blending storytelling with technological innovation continues to be the cornerstone of our approach.

As we continue on our journey at Xmachina, we carry Thilo's legacy with us — every project is imbued with a part of Thilo’s vision. In our designs, in our stories, and in the way we look at the world, we see reflections of his genius. Thilo may have left us, but the paths he forged remain brightly lit, guiding us forward as we endeavor to uphold the standards he set, both as a visionary and as a friend. His memory is a constant reminder of the impact one person's passion can have, inspiring us to carry his torch with pride and dedication.

Until we meet again.

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